zaterdag 29 december 2012
dinsdag 20 november 2012
Bracelet with cupcakes
Yesterday I made a cute bracelet with little
cupcakes for my daughters girlfriend.
Gisteren heb ik een leuk armbandje met cupcakejes
gemaakt voor een vriendinnetje van mijn dochtertje.
vrijdag 2 november 2012
zaterdag 27 oktober 2012
Halloween sign's
I made some wooden Halloween sign's.
Think they could be used as wall decoration as well as doormat.
Happy Halloween!
donderdag 11 oktober 2012
I'm still here, in case your wondering:-)
Wow, It's been ages since I last posted something here.
Real life took over for a couple of months, and I haven't been doing any miniature's in these busy times, so not really much to blog about.
But I'm back:-) And nothing is better for inspiration, then not beïng able to create something; suddenly everywhere around you, you see things you want to re-create in miniature:-) Autumn holiday is coming up here in the Netherlands, so hopefully 'lots of news ideas' will soon become 'lots of new miniatures'.
And since it's been my Birthday, I've got now plenty of room to display everything; my husband made me two wonderful showcase cabinets. Love him so much! Look how beautiful they are:
See you after the holiday in two or three weeks!
donderdag 5 juli 2012
maandag 2 juli 2012
zaterdag 9 juni 2012
Yeeh, I'm published for the first time.
There's an article about me and my miniatures in a Dutch magazine
"Poppenhuizen en Miniaturen". So proud :-)
I hope to get (more) Dutch followers on this blog now too,
so from now on, I will also blog in Dutch for my Dutch readers.
Jippie, Ik sta in de Poppenhuizen en Miniaturen nr 119 juni/juli editie!
Wat een eer. Het is de eerste keer dat er iets van mij gepubliceerd wordt dus ik ben heel erg enthousiast! Ik hoop dat ik nu ook (wat meer) Nederlandse volgers op dit blog krijg,
dus ik zal mijn stukjes voortaan ook in het Nederlands schrijven.
Bent u één van die Nederlandse miniatuur liefhebbers die via het blad op mijn blog bent terecht gekomen?
Dan van Harte Welkom! Ik hoop dat u hier veel inspiratie op zal doen :-)
dinsdag 15 mei 2012
BJD Tink
A few weeks ago, a whole new world opened up for me, the world of BJD's (ball jointed dolls)
I purchased two dolls: a buyl; Hermine and a Dal; Phoebe.
I was looking around the internet to find a Pullip, when I found a perfect little bjd of only 12 cm instead.
That was much more suitable to my dollhouse hobby of course!
That was much more suitable to my dollhouse hobby of course!
And I was lucky enough to be able to buy her.
She arrived in a pink little box. Isn't she cute?
Well no, actually she looks like a little alien, but I'm planning on making her very cute :-)
I already bought three little wigs for her.
Now I have to find her some eyes and then I have to do her make-up.
I also thought of a name for her. She's gonna be named TINK.
I also thought of a name for her. She's gonna be named TINK.
Short for tinkerbell, because she is going to be a cute little girl who like's to invent things,
stick her nose into things, have a mind of her own
and a bit of a temper now and then :-)
vrijdag 4 mei 2012
vrijdag 27 april 2012
maandag 9 april 2012
vrijdag 6 april 2012
woensdag 7 maart 2012
woensdag 29 februari 2012
maandag 30 januari 2012
Twelfth scale Ladies Boudoir Chiffonier
I bought this wonderful "Twelfth scale Ladies Boudoir Chiffonier"
from INSOMESMALLWAYMINIS on etsy a while ago.
Tomorrow morning my friend is coming over to my place and
we are going to work with polymer clay.
She is going to make fruit and I am going to make all
sorts of chocolate's to fill this beautiful chiffonier with.

I'm also going to work on a new Chocolat shop.
Tomorrow morning my friend is coming over to my place and
we are going to work with polymer clay.
She is going to make fruit and I am going to make all
sorts of chocolate's to fill this beautiful chiffonier with.

I'm also going to work on a new Chocolat shop.
zondag 22 januari 2012
Crazy4Mini's shop
Yesterday I read on Weronica's blog from Crazy4Mini's that she has
(opened) a shop were she sells the most beautiful miniatures.
She added a few pictures so you could get a nice look at it:

And look what's in the front of her window display;
my decorative garden table she bought from me in January.
Wow my miniatures are sold in a real shop in Stockholm!
Well, for those of you, who can't go all the way to Stockholm,
but do want to buy one of my miniatures, here's the link tot my Etsy shop.
(just click on the picture below)

She added a few pictures so you could get a nice look at it:

And look what's in the front of her window display;
my decorative garden table she bought from me in January.
Wow my miniatures are sold in a real shop in Stockholm!
Well, for those of you, who can't go all the way to Stockholm,
but do want to buy one of my miniatures, here's the link tot my Etsy shop.
(just click on the picture below)
Coming soon: Valentine's Give-away!!!
vrijdag 20 januari 2012
Another cupboard ready
Today I filled a beautiful aged cupboard with al kinds of collectors
items that I've been working on for weeks.
I put a lot of time in making everything. There are two jars of worms,
a glass jar with magical beans in it, a candle, books and scrolls,
letters and note's, mushrooms and potionbottle's, ect. etc.
Well, see for your self;

It's in my Etsy store right now.
items that I've been working on for weeks.
I put a lot of time in making everything. There are two jars of worms,
a glass jar with magical beans in it, a candle, books and scrolls,
letters and note's, mushrooms and potionbottle's, ect. etc.
Well, see for your self;

It's in my Etsy store right now.
maandag 16 januari 2012
Witchy wardrobe
This morning I finished a wonderful witchy wardrobe.
I love how it turned out!
I love the purple fabric with the white spiderwebs and black spiders,
I made a cape and hat with it for this wardrobe.
I made some dragon eggs in a matching purple polymer clay.
And I added one of the brooms with a face that I had made earlyer
and also there had to be a carnivorous plant in it of course;-)
After that it took me a while to get the photo's right,
I wanted to wait until the light was good and the purple came out nicely.
And this is the final result, see for yourself:

I love the purple fabric with the white spiderwebs and black spiders,
I made a cape and hat with it for this wardrobe.
I made some dragon eggs in a matching purple polymer clay.
And I added one of the brooms with a face that I had made earlyer
and also there had to be a carnivorous plant in it of course;-)
After that it took me a while to get the photo's right,
I wanted to wait until the light was good and the purple came out nicely.
And this is the final result, see for yourself:

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